Advisory Consulting Program • TikTok Growth

Analyse Evaluate Grow your TikTok channel

TikTok Growth | Program Overview

Unlock your TikTok growth potential with expert guidance.

This tailored consulting program is designed to help you grow your TikTok presence, increase engagement, and achieve your content goals. Whether you’re a creator, entrepreneur, or an enterprise, learn proven strategies for content creation, audience targeting, and algorithm mastery to maximise your reach and impact on the platform.


I started my TikTok channel in late 2023. Until July 2024, I received little traction (under 1000 views per video). 

However, between July-December 2024, my channel saw considerable growth, based on the following metrics:

sohrab vazir tiktok growth statistics

What the advisory program covers?

Per Month
£ 400
  • Audience

    We will identify, understand and analyse your audience .

  • Content suggestions

    I will suggest the range of content tailored to your audience and channel, content that actually works.

  • TikTok basics

    If required, I will give you an overview of TikTok's algorithm and how you can utilise it.

  • TikTok channel analysis

    I will review and evaluate your TikTok channel and identify improvement areas.

  • Video quality feedback

    Feedback on the quality of your existing videos


Expert help

I have grown my TikTok channel to almost 1 million views within 6 months. 

As a communications expert, I will leverage my expertise in help you reach your target audience with the right strategy.

Personalised 1:1

This is not a masterclass, or some    online “coaching” conference where one person speaks to an audience.

Each client has their own specific audience and goals. Therefore, this program provides tailored analysis and solutions unique to each client.

Let's talk

Advisory Consulting | Starting a business

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