Business Services

Need help with your business?

Navigate the challenges of starting and running a business with my help.

Businesses are hard work, which is why most people do not start one. Whether you’re a solo business owner, a startup or an SME, I can help.

Check my resume for more information.

Who I work with

icon for solo business owner clients for Sohrab Vazir's business services customers

Business Owners

icon for startups and SME clients for Sohrab Vazir's business services customers


icon for corporate clients for Sohrab Vazir's business services customers



Business Idea Consulting

Have a business idea but don’t know how to turn it into a business?Β 

Use my 8+ years of expertise as a tech founder and consultant to turn your idea into a viable business.



Whichever business you choose, there are chances that somebody else is doing it too.

And sometimes your competitors have more resources than you, or they are simply more established in the market.

I will help you design a unique and creative approach to overcoming the competition.Β 

Business Plans

I can help you with every aspect of your business plan.

Working with me helps you develop an articulate and viable business plan / proposal.Β 


Branding & MarketingΒ 

Create a solid and realistic marketing plan. Not every business owner has a big budget to blow on marketing.Β 

I will develop a tailored strategy that is unique to you and your business.


Websites & Compliance

Almost everybody can make a website these days. However, there is much more to a website than one that simply looks good.

I will help you develop a website that complies with SEO and legal requirements such as data protection.



I can help with almost every writing task that you may need help with.Β 

Whether it’s SEO copywriting, a legal letter, sales proposals or social media posts, I can help.

πŸ‘‡ Let's talk

Business Services
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