Advisory Consulting Program • UK Innovator Founder Visa

UK Innovator Founder Visa | Program Overview

Thinking of setting up a business in the UK? This business advisory program is suitable for all your business needs.

You can pick my brain over 5 sessions on any of the aspects of your business. 

This can either be your idea, your plan, sales/marketing strategy and so on.

Fixed Cost
£ 450

What the advisory program covers


Personalised 1:1

This is not a masterclass, or some    online “coaching” conference where one person speaks to an audience.

You will have 6 video calls directly with me, and the first session is designed to get to know you, your skills, interests, and aspirations.

Fixed Price

The entire 5-hour consulting package has a fixed price.

No ongoing costs or additional expenses are involved.

Simple & no commitment

Skip talking to multiple people and    listening to boring presentations.

Talk to a fellow immigrant who has been through the journey for over 10 years and made it. Read my resume for more information.

Disclaimer (Read Before Proceeding)

Let's talk

Disclaimer | Please note that I am not an immigration advisor or solicitor.

I am a business consultant and help founders/teams/companies with their business needs. This may include the provision of general information, signposting and assistance on setting up a business in the UK. This is regardless of:

-The founders/founding team being based in the UK or not;

-The founder’s immigration status, intentions or any future/pending applications.

My services are not provided for the purpose of immigration applications or compliance. The purpose of the provision of any services is assistance in planning, launching & growing a commercial venture in the UK.

I may signpost clients to external advisors or services, such as patent attorneys and accountancy services.

I cannot and do not advise on whether you will be able to secure an endorsement or a visa. Nor do I assist with any immigration applications, including endorsement.

Any feedback on the innovation and viability of your business is based on a commercial viewpoint alone and I cannot advise on the immigration implications of these or any other matter.

All references to the Innovator Founder Visa in our services or content are general free information that is publicly accessible, or personal opinions on general matters irrelevant to any particular individual/entity & entirely reflective of our services easing the planning and setup of a business in the UK for international founders, similar to an accountancy service or marketing agency. 

For immigration advice, you should refer to a regulated immigration advisor (regulated by the OISC) or solicitor (regulated by the SRA), or other regulated professionals.

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