Business Plan Service FAQ

Common business plan service questions

Who do you provide business plan services to ?
  • Founders 
  • Migrants / expats 
  • Small and medium businesses
What type of business plan services do you provide?
  • Consulting & Coaching
    • Assisting founders in writing their own business plans 
  • Evaluation
    • Reviewing & assessing existing business plans
  • Writing
    • Custom business plan writing 
How much do the services cost?

For consulting and evaluation pricing, please refer to the main business plan services page.

Custom business plan writing is subject to individual quotations following an initial discussion with the founders.

How does the process work?
  1. Initial call / discussion
  2. Setting milestones / objectives
  3. Project agreement & commencement 
  4. Consultation calls: every project will involve at least 5-10 calls throughout the stage between me and the founders
  5. Project completion
Do you collaborate with other professionals during the process?

It depends, and that is one of the benefits in using my help.

I have developed valuable connections in the startup/business/tech world throughout my career, and can refer founders to other professionals.

Business Plan Writing Service

Is there a limit to how many business plan writing projects you take?


I write business plans myself, and this is done through several meeting calls with the founders.

Therefore, each project does take a significant chunk of my time, and as such I have set a limit of 10-15 business plan projects that I take on per year.

How much do the business plan writing service cost?

Each business plan writing project that I take will be subject to custom quotation/pricing. 

I will need to assess your business and how many consulting sessions you will need, as well as the nature of your business.

Do you outsource the business plan writing service?


I research and write each business plan myself.

Therefore, this is the reason there is a limit to how many business plan writing projects I take.

Immigration Business Plans

Do you write immigration business plans?


My speciality is working with international / migrant founders, as I have navigated the business immigration journey myself.

Which countries do you write business plans for?

Any, as long as the project is written in English. 

In the case of  business plans in a non-English language, you can always use a certified translator.

To see the countries that I have assisted clients with, please visit my business immigration services page.

Can you guarantee my visa?

No, nor can any other individual or entity do so. 

The success of visa applications are solely reliant on the host country’s Government and/or other authorised entities. 


Are you an immigration advisor?

No, I am a business/commercial consultant, who focuses on international founders seeking visas.

As a migrant who has settled in the UK via recognised endorsements and a tech business which I scaled to 30+ UK cities, I am aware of the challenges that migrant entrepreneurs face.

However, for visa advice and help with visa applications, please refer to an authorised immigration lawyer or advisor.

Business Plans for Funding

What type of funding do you provide business plans for?

Several forms of financing and/or funding rounds.

My specialism is in the following areas:

  • Loan applications (banks & other funders)
  • Crowdfunding
  • Pre-seed
Have you raised funding yourself?

Almost! (Series A which would have been in the region of £100k-1M).

By 2020, my former startup StudyFlats was operating across 30+ UK cities, and we had investors reaching out to us, prior to being forced to shut the entire operations down due to the 2020 Pandemic. 

I have, however, managed six-figure budgets and have been accepted onto accelerators as well as dealing with both angel investors & VCs myself.

This is also what many other “business plan writers” and/or immigration advisors/lawyers do not offer: first-hand experience of getting grilled by VCs over the profit margins!

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