If you wish to start a business with no money, you have a difficult journey ahead. However, it is certainly not impossible. I will give you some realistic tips and steps that can help you start a business with little or no money. 

I personally comprehend the difficulty of starting a business with no money. Back in 2016, I was a 22-year-old graduate and embarked on the path of business ownership whilst I had less than £500 to my name. To make things worse, I was on a business visa in the UK and had to meet certain milestones, making it even harder. Read more about my story here

However, I eventually grew the business to over 30 UK cities and a team of four. Yes, I did have additional capital available to me, but the business’ foundation and traction was achieved with less than £500. 

Here are some options that may be worth considering if you want to start a business with no money. 

1. Business grants 

Depending on where you are and your proposed business, there may be business grants available to you. Some grants provide a lump-sum payment, and some others cover a portion of your business expenses. 

2. Credit cards & loans 

In the UK, you can search for grants via the UK government website here

This is a tricky one. I am personally against racking up debt, and certainly in the case where that debt is spent towards a non-certain outcome. 

However, starting a business is about taking risks. Therefore, this is an option worth considering. 

3. Barter 

This is an option that is less often referred to. However, it is worth considering if you possess in-demand skills. 

Barter is essentially exchanging a good/service in exchange for the same. 

For instance, you may have solid writing skills. You meet a developer who needs a copywriter for a project. At the same time, you require an app. 

By exchanging skills, you can achieve certain outcomes towards starting a business with no money. 

These options are worth considering if you wish to start a business with no money. Although they may not be applicable to everybody, it’s important to not allow the lack of capital to deter you from pursuing your vision. 

About | My name is Sohrab Vazir. I’m a UK-based entrepreneur and business consultant. At the age of 22, and while I was an international student (graduate), I started my own Property Technology (PropTech) business. Now I help aspiring business owners with starting and scaling the ventures.