Category Archives: Entrepreneurship

Why immigrant entrepreneurs are important to the UK

cover photo for article about why immigrant entrepreneurs are important to the uk

As a former international founder in the UK, I have written several articles about immigrant entrepreneurs. In this one, I will look at their importance from a UK perspective. The UK’s political and economic landscape has rapidly shifted in the last decade. Moreover, preserving its benefits for international entrepreneurs is vital to the UK’s future…

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Are online courses useful for people starting their own business?

cover photo for article about the usefulness of online courses for business owners starting their own business

If you are thinking of starting your own business, then you may have considered completing online courses. In recent years, there has been an unprecedented surge in the provision of online courses, especially around starting your own business. However, are they useful? Or simply useless? The answer to the above is: it depends. Online courses…

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Don’t make this mistake with Business and Startup Visas

cover photo for article about startup and business visa mistakes

Business and startup visas and international entrepreneurs are what and who I deal with on a daily basis. As someone who has embarked on the path of business visas as a foreign entrepreneur, I have learned a few lessons. Disclaimer: none of the content in this article, or website, constitute immigration advice in any shape…

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The general costs of running a limited company in the UK

cover photo for article about the general costs of running a limited company in the UK

If you want to start a business in the UK, one of the most common ways is through incorporating a limited company.  There are various business structures in the UK that one may start a business through. The most common ways are: It is ultimately up to you to decide which structure fits you best….

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6 useful AI tools for founders & businesses

cover photo for article about useful AI tools for founders and businesses

AI tools are revolutionising the world of work for founders and businesses. From customer service to content creation, AI-powered tools have simplified many of the old processes. In this article, I will highlight 6 AI tools that are super useful for founders and businesses.  As a founder or a business, you must use your time…

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What you should NOT do when writing an Innovator Founder visa business plan

cover photo for article about what not to do when writing an innovator founder visa business plan

Writing an Innovator Founder visa business plan can be challenging. That’s one of the reasons why many international founders opt to work with me on their Innovator Founder visa business plan.  This article solely represents a case of personal evaluation and opinion. It shall by no means constitute immigration and/or professional advice. If you plan…

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3 UK legislations that business owners should be aware of

cover photo for article about uk legislations for business owners

There are various UK legislations that business owners must comply with. The UK can be a fantastic place to start a business. However, it is imperative that you are aware of your legal obligations under applicable legislations as a business owner.  I have navigated the path of business ownership in one of its worst versions….

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The amazing power of inbound marketing

cover photo for article about the amazing power of inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is extremely underrated, especially when it comes to larger organizations. The reasoning behind this is clear: we live in an impatient business world, and inbound marketing is a long-term strategy. In this article, I wish to briefly highlight what inbound marketing is. I will then proceed to explain why it is not optional…

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