All posts by Sohrab Vazir

Immigration Law Marketing | 3 Tips for Immigration Professionals & Firms

Immigration law marketing can be complex, given the common practice areas as well as the diverse audience range that it targets. In this article, I will share 3 tips that help immigration law marketers build solid marketing campaigns.  Immigration law, in contrast to certain other legal areas, changes on a rapid scale. This can be challenging for immigration professionals and lawyers within the compounds of their work, let alone their marketing.  In addition, the mere fact that there are thousands of firms advertising the same services for the same legal framework is a marketing challenge.  As an example, let’s consider the simple example below in the area of legal SEO: The UK launches a new visa stream (for example: “Startup Visa”). Shortly after, there are 1000s of firms seeking to dominate the Google search space for this specific keyword. Moreover, the audience that immigration law marketing targets are global, based overseas and culturally and linguistically diverse.  These are among the challenges that are unique to immigration law marketing. However, don’t despair. Implement the 3 tips below to ace your legal marketing.  1. Create unique content  Yes, generic. However, this is often neglected by immigration law marketers. Whilst it is essential to create content that is centred around the key visa themes, you must go beyond this.  By unique content, I am referring to content that is unique to a particular audience segment/niche. For example, your firm may primarily deal with asylum cases from clients in conflict-ridden countries.  You will then cater your content to: 2. Collaborate with other industry stakeholders  Migrants’ needs may go beyond legal assistance. As such, there are external companies and services designed for them.  Your firm can collaborate in areas such as content creation, PR, and communications with other relevant parties for mutually beneficial brand promotion.  3. Create (more) videos  Most agree that a real person behind a company is likely to build more trust than just written content.  Focus on creating videos incorporating the above tips and watching your leads grow. If you’re camera-shy, or simply cannot create videos for whatever reason, some tools will generate videos with people.  These 3 tips will help you improve your immigration law marketing campaigns.  Need help with legal marketing? I offer tailored marketing consulting and writing services for immigration law professionals.  About My name is Sohrab Vazir. I’m a UK-based entrepreneur and business consultant. At the age of 22, and while I was an international student (graduate), I started my own Property Technology (PropTech) business, StudyFlats. I grew my business to over 30 UK cities, and a team of four prior to 2020. Currently, I specialize in early ventures, business immigration and online communications.

3 Red Flags in Job Applications

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Job applications these days are not for the faint-hearted. An oversupply of job applicants, shady recruitment practices and hostile immigration policies in the case of immigrant jobseekers are some examples of the challenges that applicants have to navigate.  There are certain red flags that you should never ignore in job applications. Job searching can be tricky, overwhelming and exhausting. The current job market dynamics, at least in the UK, are also not in the jobseeker’s favour. Securing a role can be difficult, and it takes time, and effort as well as facing rejections. However, there are certain times that a job applicant should not ignore certain red flags and potentially consider an alternative employer.  It’s important to understand that your career and time are integral to how your life turns out in the future. Additionally, you must also be aware of your rights as a job seeker and potential employee.  I have had the painful experience of the job market myself. Moreover, I hired a team of four for my startup, StudyFlats, back in 2019. To put it simply: I have reviewed thousands of CVs, as well as job postings.  During my days of browsing job applications, I was less experienced and therefore was not aware of these red flags. In this article, I’ll highlight 3 which are relatively common but sadly many applicants tend to ignore these which only indicates further problems down the line. 1. Asking for free work through assessments/tasks  I truly detest this practice of getting free work out of job applicants.  Yes, there may be certain careers where practical tasks are essential to candidate selection. However, in many roles such as digital marketing jobs, these are not only unnecessary but a potential misuse by employers.  Let’s consider this example: you apply for a copywriting job. The job asks you to write an article for them on a selected topic.  The employer then rejects you after this task. However, now they have a free sample of work from you that they can use themselves for their gain.  Instead, this employer could have looked at your previous work/writing portfolio, as well as qualifications.  Some suggest that you put a copyright notice on the work. Maybe, but what sort of impression and atmosphere does this create?  In the case of other roles, it could be your ideas that the employer is after. Thus, in reality, there is no way for you to legally protect your work. These are realities that you will only realise once you navigate the professional world for years.  2. Unclear selection process  This is another red flag to look out for in job applications. Having a clear candidate selection process, and clarifying this to job applicants early on is a good sign. On the other hand, if the selection process is vague, or changes on short notice, be wary. 3. Negative employer reviews Check out sites such as Glassdoor or Indeed to look for reviews by former job applicants or employees of the company that you are applying to. Of course, take negative reviews with a pinch of salt, especially if there are not too many.  However, a large number of negative reviews, especially if they highlight a specific problem is a red flag. These are 3 common red flags in job applications to be aware of when searching for roles. If you need help with your job search, check out my services for job seekers, students and graduates. About | My name is Sohrab Vazir. I’m a UK-based entrepreneur and business consultant. At the age of 22, and while I was an international student (graduate), I started my own Property Technology (PropTech) business, StudyFlats. I grew my business to over 30 UK cities, and a team of four internally.

UK Innovator Founder Visa Consulting Program

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Disclaimer | Nothing in this article, website or my services constitutes immigration and / or legal advice. I cannot advise or assist with your endorsement or visa application. All my services are solely intended to assist in planning, starting and scaling a business in the UK. If you’re interested in starting a business in the UK, then my Consulting Program is ideal for your business needs. As a former immigrant tech founder, I have settled in the UK myself through the business immigration journey.  This Innovator Founder Visa Consulting Program is designed with migrant founders in mind, as well as extensive business knowledge that I have gained as a tech founder scaling a business in the UK (leading to not just settling in the UK but also closing a major seed funding round). About me Okay so first things first, let me briefly introduce myself: my name is Sohrab. I’m originally from Iran, and grew up in between my native Tehran, Switzerland and subsequently the UK when I moved here alone at the age of 17. I was initially on a Student / Tier 4 (Child) visa, which I secured myself, until I finished my master’s degree at Newcastle University, who then endorsed me for the former Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur Route, and ultimately I switched to the former Tier 1 Entrepreneur scheme.  As I navigated through the UK’s business immigration schemes, I grew StudyFlats to a team of 5, with a property portfolio across 30+ UK cities & 10,000 student rooms. My work has also received recognitio from GBEA, as well as leading to my acceptance onto the NatWest Entrepreneur Accelerator (a former Innovator Visa endorsing body – although at this point I was close to settlement in the UK despite having the option for that visa too).  In short: I have lived and breathed the journey of being an immigrant entrepreneur in the UK.  (See my CV) UK Innovator Founder Visa  The UK’s Innovator Founder Visa is an immigration pathway for international entrepreneurs who wish to obtain residence in the UK through setting up a new business.  For full information about the visa itself, please refer to the UK Government’s website.  About the Innovator Founder Visa Advisory Program  I understand how expensive & stressful this entire process is for founders. Being an entrepreneur is difficult on its own, let alone when combined with its pursuit within the frame of immigration rules.   Sadly, many companies and services also offer extremely low-quality services in exchange for hefty fees (e.g. business plan writers). As such, I decided to  come up with a solution that: A) helps Innovator Founder Visa applicants keep their costs low & B) be cost-efficient for my business.  This UK Innovator Founder Visa Consulting Program helps founders: What the program covers? This 1:1 program is designed to help with all the business needs of founders, including idea assessment for the Innovator Founder Visa endorsement application.  Below are some examples of the areas that I cover in this program: As you may have noticed, I am not an immigration advisor or solicitor. My services are solely of a business nature.  The Innovator Founder pathway is a business visa. Meanwhile, business and visas are two completely separate domains. Immigration specialists are able to advise on immigration law, however, I assist in planning, starting & scaling a tech startup as a migrant founder (I cannot assist with or advise on any immigration applications, including endorsement). How it works & how much does it cost? The program consists of 5 one-to-one video calls between me and the founder(s).  The applicants have the choice to choose which particular area they’d prefer to focus on during these sessions.  The cost of the program is £400.  How to book? You can book and pay for your first session below. Once we have our first call, I will send you an invoice for the remaining program fee.

Why you should prioritise inbound SEO?

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Inbound SEO is a vast topic, and that also reflects how imperative it is to your online growth. Many marketers make the mistake of neglecting inbound marketing as a whole, and this is also the case with inbound SEO. Personally, when I launched my start-up, StudyFlats, I didn’t have much of a budget to spend on paid SEO, primarily Google Ads and Pay-per-Click (PPC) advertising. However, one skill that I did have was writing. Initially, I mainly focused on academic writing, but with StudyFlats mainly catering to the student market, I had to adjust my writing.  StudyFlats was also highly reliant on SEO. We linked international students to private accommodation providers/student halls through our online platform. Therefore, I had to use my writing skills to somehow promote the company’s online presence / SERPs. In the meantime, a competitor also raised over £70m in funding, whilst in the first year I launched and ran the company from Newcastle University’s co-working space and coffee shops with £500 in my bank account (3 years later, we were a team of 5 and operating across 30+ UK cities). It was during this time that I began to realise the magic of inbound SEO.  The SEO keywords that we sought to rank for, for instance, “student accommodation” were beyond competitive. Thus, I began brainstorming about other relevant topics for our audience, international students, which may not necessarily be relevant to student accommodation. In other words, I prioritised inbound SEO.  This was a key factor in getting traction for the business and helped us not only attract more students but also establish trust in the industry as a whole.  These are some of the key reasons why you should prioritise inbound SEO: Suitable for lower marketing budgets  Before handling six-figure budgets for StudyFlats, I started it with less than £500 in my bank account, and also as a solo founder.  Inbound SEO, as I explained above, was instrumental in getting our foot in the industry and attracting organic website visitors. Thought leadership & industry recognition  I made a TikTok video recently about improving your sales skills, especially as a founder.  My key point in the video was that trust is a vital factor in sales/business development and success in the aforementioned. Sadly, this is neglected by a lot of founders and companies as they overfocus on meeting sales quotas or their product/service offerings.  Inbound SEO enables you, whether as an individual or an organization, to establish thought leadership and trust within your stakeholders and the wider industry.  Qualified leads  Do you know what I hate? Cold calling, cold emails, basically anything “cold” within a professional context.  Yes, I understand that cold sales are a necessary part of business for many/most companies.  However, sales lead generation and conversion do come at a cost for founders and companies. This also becomes problematic where there are resource limitations.  Inbound SEO helps you accelerate and skip the entire lead generation, as well as parts of the conversion processes.  Qualified leads mean that the people visiting your website as a result of your inbound SEO campaigns, are already interested in either what you offer or your sector.  About My name is Sohrab Vazir. I’m a UK-based entrepreneur and business consultant. At the age of 22, and while I was an international student (graduate), I started my own Property Technology (PropTech) business, StudyFlats. I grew my business to over 30 UK cities, and a team of four prior to 2020. Currently, I help founders and businesses increase their online presence through strategy inbound marketing campaigns.

Why immigrant entrepreneurs are important to the UK

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As a former international founder in the UK, I have written several articles about immigrant entrepreneurs. In this one, I will look at their importance from a UK perspective. The UK’s political and economic landscape has rapidly shifted in the last decade. Moreover, preserving its benefits for international entrepreneurs is vital to the UK’s future success.  Immigrants are much more likely to become entrepreneurs. This is a hypothesis that I examined in several other articles on my blog, most notably: In the context of the UK, the key points covered in my previous research may be applicable. However, identifying the importance of immigrant entrepreneurs to the UK benefits from highlighting the key factors signifying this importance.  These are namely: Global challenges We live through a historical period in which the problems facing humanity are, by their nature, global.  Examples include international terrorism, climate change and so on.  As we are on the topic of climate change, allow me to introduce you to the concept of “climate refugees”  For many, the issue of migration and displacement is automatically contextualised as a political one. However, this is an incomplete perspective and ignores the increasing roles of other issues such as climate change.  According to a report published by the International Organization for Migration (IOM), there will be an estimated 25 million to 1 billion displaced people, solely due to climate change, by 2050.  Additionally, UNESCO has predicted that displacement will be a primary cause of displacement within the following decades.  << Read full report>>  By 2050, there will be between 25 million to 1 billion displaced people due to climate conditions. The International Organization for Migration (IOM) Innovations & new solutions   Global challenges require global solutions. Restrictive measures, enacted through policy and other means, pose the risk of harming global innovation.  Immigrants, nomads and displaced people are problem-solvers by nature. Their realities are formed by unique events and challenges. The latter are beyond what is interpreted as “ordinary” for most people in the “developed” world. For instance, let us look at an article by Stanford Graduate School of Business.  The article examines 880,000 patent registrations between 1990 & 2016. The research found that patents by immigrants outmeasured the native groups both statistically and in terms of quality. Despite comprising only 16% of inventors, immigrants were responsible for 23% of patents issued. This study may be contextually and geographically limited to a specific area/nation.  However, it supports the broader argument that innovation and creativity are skills that are highly evident among migrants and displaced people.  The succeeding point about immigrant entrepreneurs in the UK will support this hypothesis.  Immigrant entrepreneurs behind the UK’s top companies  Similar to the US, immigrant entrepreneurs in the UK proportionally outsize the local population.  In a research/study conducted by The Entrepreneurs Network (TEN), it was observed that foreign-born founders or co-founders accounted for 39% of the top 100 fastest-growing enterprises in the UK. The UK’s global position  The UK’s global standing as an entrepreneurial ecosystem and a business-friendly nation is closely tied to immigrant entrepreneurs. This connection remains significant in the long term. Therefore, the formation and structure of the UK’s visa policy hold critical importance. Immigrants, nomads and displaced people show high tendencies towards entrepreneurship. This is inherently valuable and must be utilised for the betterment of the world. However, the current global visa regime has a long road to adapt to the premise of immigrant entrepreneurship. About | My name is Sohrab Vazir. I’m a UK-based entrepreneur and business consultant. At the age of 22, and while I was an international student (graduate), I started my own Property Technology (PropTech) business, StudyFlats. I did so by obtaining an endorsement from Newcastle University under the Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur Scheme. Subsequently, I obtained a further 3-year Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa (replaced by the Innovator Founder Visa). I grew my business to over 30 UK cities, and a team of four, and also obtained my Indefinite Leave to Remain (Settlement) in the UK. I now help other migrant entrepreneurs, such as myself, with their businesses, and mainly with obtaining endorsements from the endorsing bodies. References

How I will help you increase your website traffic organically

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The internet is full of guides on how to increase your website traffic organically, as one simple Google search will tell you. And some can be quite useful, it can be a DIY project and you may increase your website traffic organically (to some degree). However, long-term measurable results will most likely require an expert: and that’s where I come in.  As I said before, my intention is not to slay off DIY guides on increasing website traffic organically. However, this article is for founders and businesses who seek to make early investments in their inbound marketing campaigns.  This campaign consists of 25 blog articles, that I will write, following the completion of the steps outlined below. For full details please see here.  First, let us look at the skills and activities required to increase your website traffic organically through a planned campaign. These are (in respective order): The combination of these steps, when done correctly, will increase your website traffic organically. Now let’s look at each stage in more detail. 1. Product/service evaluation  During our first and second calls, I will get a thorough understanding of what you are offering, and what your key distinguishing attributes are.  These will enable us to tailor the next steps based on a customer-centric approach. Moreover, understanding the key issues affecting your target audience is imperative. 2. Keyword research & planning  After the first step, I will then begin researching the relevant keywords to your business and industry.  In doing so, I will consider a range of factors including: Keyword popularity  Your budget and company size Strategic ranking: this involves identifying popular keywords unique to your audience through unconventional methods  3. Website heath check | Technical SEO assessment I will run a general website health check / technical SEO analysis for your website.  This step is crucial and one that many SEO copywriters or even agencies will neglect.  The reason is this: Adverse technical SEO factors affecting your website’s visibility make all other efforts essentially pointless.  Therefore, it is important to identify any major issues such as spammy backlinks, missing meta descriptions and so on.  4. Copywriting In the final step, I will begin writing the 25 articles that this campaign is based on.  You may be asking “Why 25 blog articles?” This is based on 8 years of SEO experience and research, which is generally the benchmark for witnessing a 30-100% increase in organic website traffic. At this point, leave the magic to me and sit tight whilst your awesome content is in the process of creation.  Increase your organic website traffic with me by 30-100% in 6 months. Get started today! About My name is Sohrab Vazir. I’m a UK-based entrepreneur and business consultant. At the age of 22, and while I was an international student (graduate), I started my own Property Technology (PropTech) business, StudyFlats. I grew my business to over 30 UK cities, and a team of four prior to 2020. Currently, I help founders and businesses increase their online presence through strategy inbound marketing campaigns.

Advisory Programs now LIVE


In today’s dynamic business landscape, personalized guidance and support are invaluable assets on the path to success. Recognizing the diverse needs of individuals and enterprises, my tailored advisory programs are designed to empower migrants, founders, and enterprise alike. Let’s delve into how these programs can unlock potential, foster growth, and drive innovation. Empowering Founders Entrepreneurship is a journey fraught with challenges and opportunities. The programs equip founders with the tools and insights they need. Whether to navigate the complexities of employment or scaling a venture. From refining business models to accessing funding and market expansion strategies, I work hand-in-hand with founders to turn visions into reality. With personalised mentorship and actionable guidance, I empower founders to build resilient and impactful businesses. Empowering Migrants For migrants navigating new territories, my advisory programs offer a roadmap to prosperity. From navigating cultural nuances to accessing opportunities, I provide personalised strategies and mentorship to facilitate integration and success. By harnessing individual strengths and aspirations, I help migrants to thrive in their new environments and contribute meaningfully to society. Empowering Enterprise Innovation lies at the heart of every successful enterprise. The advisory programs offer tailored solutions to drive innovation, growth, and competitive advantage. Whether it’s optimizing operations, exploring new markets, or fostering a culture of innovation, I partner with enterprises to unlock their full potential. Through strategic guidance and implementation support, I enable enterprises to stay ahead of the curve and seize opportunities in an ever-evolving marketplace. At the core of my advisory programs lies a commitment to empowerment, growth, and impact. By tailoring my approach to the unique needs of migrants, founders, and enterprise, I unlock new possibilities and drive sustainable success. Join me on this transformative journey and unlock your full potential today! About My name is Sohrab Vazir. I’m a UK-based entrepreneur and business consultant. At the age of 22, and while I was an international student (graduate), I started my own Property Technology (PropTech) business, StudyFlats.I did so by obtaining an endorsement from Newcastle University under the Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur Scheme (similar to the current Start-Up Visa). Subsequently, I obtained a further 3-year Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa (which was replaced by the Innovator Visa). I grew my business to over 30 UK cities, and a team of four, and also obtained my Indefinite Leave to Remain (Settlement) in the UK. I now help other entrepreneurs start their businesses.

3 tools to help you make more sales

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If you’re on the lookout for digital tools to make more sales, this short list is for you. As an entrepreneur for over 8 years, I learnt an important lesson: if you can’t sell, you won’t succeed regardless of what you aim to do.  Now, I am not going to go through the soft and personal skills that you need to make more sales (perhaps for another article). However, I want to point out 3 tools that can considerably help you in getting exposure, prospecting and converting your sales leads.  Tidio Tidio has got to be one of my favourite tools of all time. Its primary product is AI-assisted chatbots.  These chatbots and lead converters are highly customizable, allowing you to tailor your communications with prospective leads.  Moreover, the Tidio platform in itself is quite user-friendly, and easy to use whilst also offering more service extensions such as email marketing. Do you know what’s the worst approach to sales? The cold approach. Generic emails with the opening of “Hello there” or “Greetings” will never work.  Instead, it’s important to target and create a profile of your ideal customer accurately. But, how do you get to contact them?  This is where comes in.  Quora Did I just refer to a community platform as a sales tool? Yes  Was it by mistake? No. I love Quora. I have used it for over a decade and it has never disappointed me (apart from the tabs opening in new windows all the time!). However, you may be asking why Quora can be used as a sales tool. Here’s the answer: psychology.  Quora, along with Reddit, is one of the best platforms for understanding people’s problems, needs and desires, the key ingredients of a successful sales strategy. Use Quora to understand: Your target market, Their pain  What bothers them  What motivates them  Subsequently, centre your sales pitch around the above.  These 3 tools will help you boost your sales through better planning and engagement with your leads.  About My name is Sohrab Vazir. I’m a UK-based entrepreneur and business consultant. At the age of 22, and while I was an international student (graduate), I started my own Property Technology (PropTech) business, StudyFlats. I grew my business to over 30 UK cities, and a team of four prior to 2020. Currently, I help other entrepreneurs start their businesses.

Are online courses useful for people starting their own business?

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If you are thinking of starting your own business, then you may have considered completing online courses. In recent years, there has been an unprecedented surge in the provision of online courses, especially around starting your own business. However, are they useful? Or simply useless? The answer to the above is: it depends. Online courses can be useful for people who want to start their own business. However, you must use them in the right way and with the right intention.  Let me answer this question differently. Generally, with business, you are preoccupied with three key questions: The question is whether an online course would be appropriate for and beneficial in answering those three questions.  Online courses are useless for the “Why”  There are a myriad of courses on “business mindset”, “growth hacks”, “growth mindset”, “billionaire mindset” and so on.  These promise to give you the right mindset to make your billions (and yes, it is most definitely utter BS).  I believe that any entrepreneur should start a business out of their instinct. They should not need any person or entity telling them why they should start a business or get into the right mindset of setting one.  Entrepreneurship is a journey of evolution  Understanding the context of this article demands an understanding of the philosophy of entrepreneurship.  Entrepreneurship is inherently defined by risk and uncertainty. It is unconventional. There is a reason why the majority do not pursue this path, despite not necessarily loving their daily jobs. It is about understanding and accepting that you are taking a massive risk. You can do everything right, and it can still fail.  Therefore, beginning this journey under a guided course is the wrong way to approach this path.  Online courses are good for the “What” and the “How” Now that we have clarified where online courses for starting a business are not helpful, let’s consider the other side.  I elaborated on a few points concerning entrepreneurship. Here are an additional 2 that are relevant: skills and knowledge.  Implementing, managing and executing a business venture demands certain skills, and it may be specific to each founder and business.  This is where online courses “may” be helpful for people starting their businesses. So long as you identify the following: Let’s look at an example below (me): Sohrab wants to start an online consultancy business. His main way of getting clients is online through his website and Google search. Therefore, Sohrab needs to understand Google Analytics to analyse his website’s performance. In this case, an online course on Google Analytics could be helpful for Sohrab.  Starting your own business can be daunting. Need help? About My name is Sohrab Vazir. I’m a UK-based entrepreneur and business consultant. At the age of 22, and while I was an international student (graduate), I started my own Property Technology (PropTech) business, StudyFlats. I grew my business to over 30 UK cities, and a team of four prior to 2020. Currently, I help other entrepreneurs start their businesses.

Don’t make this mistake with Business and Startup Visas

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Business and startup visas and international entrepreneurs are what and who I deal with on a daily basis. As someone who has embarked on the path of business visas as a foreign entrepreneur, I have learned a few lessons. Disclaimer: none of the content in this article, or website, constitute immigration advice in any shape or form. For professional immigration advice, please refer to a regulated immigration advisor or solicitor. If you are an international entrepreneur considering applying for a business or startup visa, there are quite a few things to consider. This may be one of the biggest challenges with foreign entrepreneurs. Starting a business is always hard work; add it to navigating immigration rules and you are bound to get things wrong.  As such, in this article, I seek to prevent foreign entrepreneurs from making ONE fatal mistake, and that is underestimating the requirements of business and startup visas.  Business & Startup visas may come with ongoing requirements Remember that under many visa paths such as the UK’s Innovator Founder Visa, there are ongoing milestones that founders must meet.  In other words, getting a business or startup visa is just the beginning.  Where do founders get it wrong? With the above in mind, founders usually underestimate startup and business visa requirements by either: These two mistakes can end up costing you money, time, energy and your health. It is vital that founders who consider startup and business visas are aware of this reality.  Startup and business visas are not the means to obtain long-term residency/citizenship.  It may be in certain countries, but it certainly is not the case with the UK’s Innovator Founder Visa.  Remember to assess everything from a “business” perspective, rather than a “residency/immigration” one.  What if residency is your goal? Entrepreneurship is not everyone’s forté, and I am not judging you for that.  Perhaps you do wish to invest in commercial projects whilst obtaining an additional residency or citizenship. In these cases, it is better to consider residency or citizenship by investment programs offered by several countries across the world.  Do not pursue a business or startup visa if your main priority is residency. Running a business has many uncertainties, and it should always be done for the purpose of generating profit unless we are speaking of non-profits.  Any other goal is foundationally wrong for doing so.  About | My name is Sohrab Vazir. I’m a UK-based entrepreneur and business consultant. At the age of 22, and while I was an international student (graduate), I started my own Property Technology (PropTech) business, StudyFlats. I did so by obtaining an endorsement from Newcastle University under the Tier 1 Graduate Entrepreneur Scheme. Subsequently, I obtained a further 3-year Tier 1 Entrepreneur Visa (replaced by the Innovator Founder Visa). I grew my business to over 30 UK cities, and a team of four, and also obtained my Indefinite Leave to Remain (Settlement) in the UK. I now help other migrant entrepreneurs, such as myself, with their businesses, and mainly with obtaining endorsements from the endorsing bodies.

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