Tag Archives: Search Engine Marketing

The amazing power of inbound marketing

cover photo for article about the amazing power of inbound marketing

Inbound marketing is extremely underrated, especially when it comes to larger organizations. The reasoning behind this is clear: we live in an impatient business world, and inbound marketing is a long-term strategy. In this article, I wish to briefly highlight what inbound marketing is. I will then proceed to explain why it is not optional but essential to implement an appropriate inbound marketing strategy.  What is inbound marketing? So, to provide a full overview, I will define inbound marketing in two ways: Definition 1 | Formal & academic Inbound marketing refers to strategies and practices that discuss, evaluate and correlate with the audience needs, wants and psychological profile (yes, I came up with this myself and did not steal it from somewhere else). Definition 2 | Informal Inbound marketing is about creating content for your audience and reaching out to them without talking about what you sell.  The key factor is content creation. This can be in various forms such as SEO, email marketing, video creation, guest posts, research, webinars and so on. The purpose of content creation within an inbound marketing strategy is to resonate with your audience’s wants and needs.  The business world, sadly, is guilty of a key marketing flaw.  Inbound marketing is often compromised for outbound marketing and direct sales Arguably, the majority of companies often focus on direct marketing methods and generating full life-cycle leads themselves.  This article is not to devalue outbound marketing and direct contact methods. However, one goal of this piece is highlighting the current dynamics of the business/marketing world. In doing so, I wish to reflect on how inbound marketing can be leveraged as a primary strategy for each business.  We live in a hyper-competitive world  Have a new business idea? Somebody has already come up with it. Have a cool new brand name in mind? Somebody else has thought of it already. Launched a new business? There’s a good chance there is a comparative competitor. Already scaling? So is your competitor…… The above serves as a brief verbal demonstration of the global environment in which business is conducted.  We are living in the age of “innovation”. From a small business perspective. Everyone has access to the enhanced commercial technologies today, such as Shopify.  Therefore, everyone is now somehow self-legitimised to be known as a “businessperson” or a “CEO”. And sometimes, there’s no issue with that, everybody has to start somewhere.  The point of this is to show that it’s now somehow about “what” you sell, but “how” you sell it. Likewise, larger corporations also ought to be innovative in their marketing agendas. The issue with outbound marketing is that it is easily replicable and overly used by all stakeholders, from companies to other marketing stakeholders such as agencies. Innovation cannot be applied to “cold calling” per se. Unless you wish to sing people a song on the phone, which I would strongly advise against.  Inbound marketing is innovative In contrast, inbound marketing leaves a great amount of room for creativity.  One basic, and advanced, example is a website’s blog / SEO. You can use your blog for so much.  However, you would be impressed to see how far subject knowledge combined with SEO proficiency can get you.  Plus, this approach to marketing allows you to target your specific audience by using subject awareness and thought leadership. Generate loyal prospects Building on the last point and the early definition provided, inbound resonates with a consumer’s needs and mindset.  In the context of written content/SEO in an inbound campaign, it is the consumer who is seeking content on a particular subject. This particular subject also somehow pertains to the work of the company.  Let’s consider an example: my work as a business consultant working with skilled migrants.  I write blogs on issues such as business visa policies. I’m not an immigration lawyer, nor a government representative. However, these are subjects that my prospects / future clients are interested in, and frankly so am I in my own case.  This practice has not only attained clients, but also warm qualified leads, as well as prospects on social media such as LinkedIn followers.  Cost-efficient (but not time-efficient) Outbound marketing has the advantage of generating results in the short-term. However, those results come at a cost, such as time, staff, planning and more.  Outsourcing is accordingly a costly option too.  However, inbound marketing, mainly requires “subject knowledge”. Therefore, there is this added element of “skill” within this strategy. However, it can generally be done at a more cost-efficient arrangement.  And this principle applies to a range of stakeholders, from solo founders to large organizations. Nonetheless, developing successful inbound marketing campaigns and achieving results take time. It is important that entrepreneurs and companies adopt inbound marketing strategies with a thorough awareness of its long-term nature. Inbound marketing can be a game changer for your business. Need an expert’s opinion? Get in touch with me to discuss your inbound marketing plans! About | My name is Sohrab Vazir. I’m a UK-based entrepreneur and business consultant. At the age of 22, and while I was an international student (graduate), I started my own Property Technology (PropTech) business, StudyFlats. As a solo founder, I grew my business to 30+ UK cities, with a global client base across 100+ countries. Following the Pandemic killing my precious work/business, I now transfer my knowledge to other entrepreneurs.

Why you should hire me as your SEO content writer

article cover photo on post about why businesses should hire Sohrab Vazir as their SEO content writer

The SEO/digital marketing landscape is oversaturated with SEO content writers. Whilst lack of supply in a certain industry is problematic, oversupply is equally challenging.  So, with a wide pool of SEO content writers, who can be found online, on LinkedIn or through freelancer platforms such as Fiverr, how do you choose the right one? And no, ChatGPT cannot be your SEO content writer, at least not for the next few years! I wrote a few articles on this subject over the past year. As a starting point, I’d recommend checking this one out, which explains why you should hire an SEO content writer/copywriter.  So, this article is essentially a semi-sales one in light of my SEO content writing services.  Well, let’s dive into why you should hire me as your SEO content writer.  Solid writing skills  In case you haven’t seen my CV/educational history, I’ll summarise them here; I hold the following qualifications: -(BA Dual Honours) Business Management & International Relations | Keele University -(LLM | Master of Laws) International Legal Studies | Newcastle University  My educational history is within the social sciences domain and has given me a solid grasp of writing in the English language. Plus, I am multilingual. My first startup was highly reliant on SEO | The business owner perspective My first business, StudyFlats, which I scaled to over 30 UK cities was highly reliant on SEO. Before I hired and led a marketing team of four, I was my own company’s SEO content writer.  Remember, education is not the only factor for someone to be a decent SEO content writer.  Writing competency is integral to being a good SEO content writer, but it is not everything.  My experience as an SEO content writer for my previous company allows me to strategically approach your SEO needs from a business owner’s perspective.  Better than an agency  Now, this is not to write off agencies or bad-mouth them (although I am quite sceptical about most). The problem with writing services provided by agencies, in contrast to a freelance SEO writer such as myself, are: -Agencies manage many clients and therefore have a less tailored solution  -Agencies hire either employees or freelance SEO content writers to do the writing. And they also need to make a profit, which means? More costly  Although, please note, that my services are not “cheap”. No quality work is cheap, and you get what you pay for.  However, due to the aforementioned points, it works out at a lower cost when you deal with an individual SEO content writer instead of a business entity such as a digital marketing agency.  ChatGPT is terrible for inbound/organic content  ChatGPT has and will continue to revolutionise the marketing/writing domains. It is great for smaller SEO needs such as product descriptions in an e-commerce website.  However, organic content as part of your inbound marketing strategy is based on thought leadership. This requires an actual human to apply critical analysis and tailor a content strategy that is unique to your business.  Want to hire me as your SEO content writer? Get in touch with me to discuss your SEO needs.  About My name is Sohrab Vazir. I’m a UK-based entrepreneur and business consultant. At the age of 22, and while I was an international student (graduate), I started my own Property Technology (PropTech) business, StudyFlats which I scaled to over 30 UK cities. I currently help other entrepreneurs and businesses of all size with the digital marketing strategy around SEO, copywriting and content.

Why you should work with a freelance SEO writer

If you have considered or are considering working with a freelance SEO writer, this article is for you. As a tech startup founder, and now a digital marketing consultant, I have dealt with SEO for over 7 years! As an SEO copywriter myself (see more details here), I thought it would be helpful to share why working with SEO writers can be valuable.  When I started my first company, StudyFlats, I needed to learn about SEO. It all just seemed so complicated and tech-based. This combined with having to juggle around all other areas of the business made me reliant on external third parties.  Initially, I worked with a marketing agency, which proved useless. The high costs associated with digital marketing agencies further prompted me to seek freelancers, mainly freelance SEO writers.  Bear in mind that I had ÂŁ400 in my bank account as a marketing budget in the first year (oh those really were the days). Anyway, I soon discovered that working with a freelance SEO writer can be hugely beneficial, so long as the following are clear: 2 years later, I hired a marketing team of four at StudyFlats and oversaw SEO content creation as a team leader/CEO. Hence, I also possess first-hand experience with SEO writers as employees. So let’s look at why you should work with a freelance SEO copywriter: Cost-efficient  Perhaps the key differentiating factor in favour of freelancers against digital marketing agencies is the pricing.  Working with a freelance SEO writer helps you generate far more content at a fraction of an agency’s cost.  Tailored SEO service  Working with an individual freelancer, in contrast to an agency, allows for a more tailored service. Many individual freelancers are (more) dependent on positive client feedback and retention.  Less liability  Working with digital marketing agencies and/or freelance SEO writers bears less legal liability than hiring employees.  Unless your venture is at the stage in which it needs more permanent employees, then perhaps you may consider the recruitment option.  However, EVEN if you do decide to hire employees, working with freelance SEO writers can still be cost-efficient. Plus, it’s beneficial as it creates a new frame set for your existing content.  These are some of the reasons why working with a freelance SEO writer can benefit your business. If you are looking to hire a freelance SEO writer, then get in touch with me today! About My name is Sohrab Vazir. I’m a UK-based entrepreneur and business consultant. At the age of 22, and while I was an international student (graduate), I started my own Property Technology (PropTech) business, StudyFlats which I scaled to over 30 UK cities. I currently help other entrepreneurs and businesses of all size with the digital marketing strategy around SEO, copywriting and content.

4 Free SEO Keyword Research Tools

cover photo for article about 4 free SEO keyword research tools written by Sohrab Vazir

Free SEO keyword research tools can be very helpful for new founders or small businesses with limited budgets. Keyword research enables you to understand what your customers are searching for online. Therefore, it’s a tool to also understand what search terms people use to discover products, services or information.  In this article, I want to highlight 3 free SEO keyword research tools which you can use to get started. If you want to read more about keyword research, this article by Hubspot provides plenty of information.  So, let’s get started with our free SEO keyword research tools: 1. Ahrefs  Ahrefs has a comprehensive set of SEO tools, including a free SEO keyword research tool. This tool allows you to discover search phrases across custom countries as well as categorise the keywords via metrics such as monthly search volume.  2. Quora  That’s correct, I placed Quora on this list. And no, it’s not by mistake either…. For those who are unfamiliar, Quora is a social question-and-answer platform. In my personal experience as a founder, it has been instrumental in understanding my target market.  The benefit of Quora is that it allows you to discover “actual” real-world questions that people have. Hence, you can use this to your advantage.  Let’s demonstrate this in an example:  Example: You want to discover what people are searching for in relation to resume writing/career advice. By searching for a resume, as you can see in the image, you will see a whole list of different questions around that topic.  By being strategic and using this information to your advantage, you can discover plenty of SEO keywords for free.  3. Reddit  Similar to Quora, this is another odd one in the group of free keyword research tools.  Reddit is also a social platform that works on the basis of questions and answers.  The principle is to target social platforms that have a “community” function with questions/answers. These can be beyond helpful in SEO keyword research and planning.  4. Google Trends Google Trends is one of the most helpful free keyword research tools.  This tool enables you to analyse and evaluate the popularity of custom search phrases and keywords across different locations.  These are some of the most helpful free SEO keyword research tools. If you’re interested in this topic, check out my other article on 5 free awesome SEO tools.  Need help with your SEO & Digital Marketing? I have over 6 years of experience in this area and offer tailored services to founders and businesses of all sizes.  About My name is Sohrab Vazir. I’m a UK-based entrepreneur and business consultant. At the age of 22, and while I was an international student (graduate), I started my own Property Technology (PropTech) business, StudyFlats which I scaled to over 30 UK cities. I currently help other entrepreneurs and businesses of all size with the digital marketing strategy around SEO, copywriting and content.

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